Kristen Hill joins our team as our Georgia-based Volunteer Coordinator


Kristen Hill’s love for volunteers and the people they serve began early in her life, but blossomed when she attended the University of Georgia to earn her Master of Arts in Nonprofit Management. After learning more about people with disabilities, she decided that nothing could be more fulfilling than making a career out of serving those who want to serve others.

Her almost 5-year-old yellow lab, Chrysta, a career-changed guide dog, is always close by, and makes life so much fun! Serving as a puppy raiser for Chrysta is how Kristen got plugged into the disability community, and she’s never looked back. Her experience includes working with service dogs, the volunteers that help raise them, and individuals with a variety of disabilities and their families.

For Camp Blue Skies, Kristen will recruit local day volunteers, cabin counselors and HEPs (people who Have Experience with our camper Population) and is helping with logistics. Her favorite part about working with volunteers is being a part of the family that’s created. She’s excited to join our family and will have a really great time at our camps meeting all of you!

Contact her at Kristen’s position is part of our partnership with Camp Twin Lakes.

Michelle Jones

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